Judaic Studies
Our teachers and Rabbis are powerful role models and this is a key ingredient for successful education. The guidance and connection that they provide will have a positive impact and make a difference in our students’ lives. Our Judaic Program is deeply integrated into and is designed to support, enhance and parallel our General Studies program.
Bible Studies/Text Analytics:
In Bible studies/Text Analytics, the primary goal is to teach the understanding and appreciation of the text. Besides translation, time is devoted to teaching textual comprehension, which includes:
- Close reading of the text
- Absorbing the facts
- Finding the quotes
- Sequencing
- Identifying main idea and details
- Noticing anomalies and deviations in the text
- Understanding what the question and answer is from the text
- How conflicts are resolved
The students learn to read, understand and become intimately familiar with the style of the text. Together, the teacher and students analyze the text; discuss how it might have been phrased differently; and what might be inferred from the choice of words and sentence structure.

Weekly Biblical Portion/Holidays:
Using animated presentations and a multi-sensory experience the students learn the Biblical portion of the week and about the different holidays that are celebrated throughout the year. Students are taught the storyline of the Weekly Biblical Portion/Holiday while focusing on values and concepts congruently using diverse instructional strategies. Language comprehension and sequencing skills are honed to enable students to understand and to make logical connections. They are taught through stories, songs and games for acquisition, mastery and creativity.
Other Classes

On Three Things the World Exists: Torah, service to Hashem and acts of kindness to others. Incorporating age-appropriate acts of kindness into the program syllabus is an integral component at Gesher Yehuda.

Each week our Rabbinic staff, and in honor of special occasions and chagim, our esteemed Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Mansour share insightful and family friendly commentaries on the Weekly Biblical Portion.

We believe in breaking down the obstacles that stand between students and achieving their fullest potential. Our unique in-house staff approach creates a team to best individualize strategies for each student.