Related Services
Utilizing evidence-based practice and a multi-disciplinary approach, our team of expert professionals collaborates with one another to help all students achieve their individualized goals and develop to their optimal potential.
Gesher Yehuda has a comprehensive related services program consisting of speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and counseling services. We use evidence-based practice and a multi-disciplinary approach to identify and remove barriers that impede a student’s growth and enable each student to achieve his/her individualized goals. We understand the profound interrelationship between physiological functioning and intellectual development.
Our team of therapeutic professionals collaborate with our educational staff to help all of our students develop core academic skills. When a student makes notable progress within the academic realm it reflects the effective implementation of the school’s pedagogical program, which in combination with targeted therapeutic services, builds up the underlying foundational skills necessary to enable each particular child to achieve their level of academic success.
Speech and Language Department
Using a multi-sensory approach, our skilled team of NY state licensed and ASHA certified speech language pathologists, incorporate academics and receptive, expressive, social, emotional, and pragmatic language skills to best help each child meet his/her potential.
Therapists work with students individually and in small groups using a variety of research-based programs and modalities such as the Visualizing & Verbalizing program to help students who struggle with reading comprehension and language processing, the Expanding Expression Tool (EET) to improve each child’s level of written and oral language expression, and the SKILL Narrative program, to help students to improve critical language abilities and develop foundational literacy skills. The PROMPT method is used to remediate articulation deficits and help students who struggle with motor speech difficulties to be intelligible in all settings.
Using a “whole child approach,” our speech therapists focus on the strength that each child possesses, empowering the students to see the positive in themselves as they develop a true sense of self-confidence while working to achieve their goals.
Areas we focus on:
- Executive Functioning
- Basic Concept Skills
- Activities of Daily Living Skills
- Reading/Listening
- Comprehension
- Phonological Awareness
- Verbal Expression
- Vocabulary
- Word Retrieval
- Writing
- Articulation
- Higher Level Language skills
- Social-Pragmatic
- Language Skills
- Oral Motor Strengthening
Some of the programs we use are:

Occupational/Physical Therapy Department
Our team of experienced therapists work with students individually and in small groups within our state-of-the-art sensory gym. To maximize carryover, the therapists will design individualized sensory diets for those students that will benefit and train teachers/parents to implement these exercise routines within the classroom/home environment.
Neural pathways are strengthened through repetition. To effectively create neurological change, daily occupational therapy groups are conducted within each class at Gesher Yehuda. Each group has been uniquely designed to meet the needs of the students in those particular classes and may include a variety of yoga exercises, proprioceptive sensory input, and core/strengthening activities. When applicable, they will simultaneously focus on facilitating the integration of specific residual primitive reflexes.
NeuroNet, a research-based learning readiness program designed to help students develop fluency in critical reading, math, and handwriting skills, has been introduced in specific classes and found to be very effective in helping students to appropriately cross midline as well as improve their level of body awareness, coordination, and right/left discrimination.
Areas that we focus on:
- Upper Body/Core Strengthening
- Balance & Coordination
- Gross Motor Skills
- Sensory Processing Skills
- Reflex Integration Skills
- Visual Motor/Perceptual Skills
- Ocular Motor Skills
- Graphomotor Skills
Counseling/Mental Health Department
Using a cross-disciplinary approach to support the whole child, our experienced team of mental health professionals work with the students to help them to identify personal strengths/weaknesses and develop the skills necessary for personal and interpersonal success.
Our mental health team utilizes evidence-based practice materials in accordance with each student’s unique needs and preferences. Services are offered both individually and in targeted group settings. Various methodologies are implemented including strategies derived from the literature of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Social Thinking, and Interpersonal Systems.
The outcomes we focus on are:
- Building self-esteem
- Improving self-regulation skills
- Developing social awareness
- Applying communication skills
- Enhancing Social skills
- Expanding executive functioning skills
Other Classes

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We follow the New York State curriculum guidelines and provide an active and compassionate structural environment. Formerly struggling learners earn confidence as they acquire skills in an academically corrective setting.

A student’s community is essential for healthy self-esteem. Rabbis and teachers provide visual exercises, hands-on study and field trips with a strong emphasis placed upon Jewish customs and heritage.