The future of education is here

Gesher Yehuda provides a customized curriculum designed to build upon a child’s unique strengths and gifts.

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Our Teachers and Leaders

The team of professionals and experts who are here to help you get the best education for your child.

Rabbi Mansour

Rosh Yeshiva

Meet Leaders
from Our

The word impossible implies “I’m possible!” With determination and grit ALL students can and will succeed.

Our Parents and Alumni Share Success

Parents share their experiences of how Gesher Yehuda provided the support needed for their children to succeed while our alumni share where they are today.


Joseph Sutton

After Gesher Yehuda, Joey attended Kingsborough Community College and is a graduate of Hofstra University. Joey is the import manager for a large consumer goods manufacturing company. He and his wife live in Brooklyn.


Mr. and Mrs. B. (parents)

The very first day, our son came home like a different child! He was excited to go to school the next day. Gesher Yehuda has built up his confidence tremendously! They quickly implemented a plan of action. We feel that we have a true partnership with the school.


Robby Chattah

Robby is a partner at Reshape — an NYC-based company that invests in companies within the Proptech sector and has an internal real estate advisory arm that helps the companies it invests in grow globally.

Expertise with Related Services

Utilizing evidence-based practice and a multi-disciplinary approach, our team of expert professionals collaborate with one another to help all students achieve their individualized goals and develop to their optimal potential.

Speech and Language

Language and executive functioning skills are essential for life. We encourage our students to see the bigger picture and understand why we are working on their individualized goals. We want to empower them and equip them with the skills they need for their everyday experiences.
Learn more.

Occupational Therapy

Our team of experienced therapists work with students individually and in small groups within our state-of-the-art sensory gym. To maximize carryover, the therapists will design individualized sensory diets for those students that will benefit and train teachers/parents to implement these exercise routines within the classroom/home environment.
Learn more.

Social Skills & Emotional Mentoring

Using a cross-disciplinary approach to support the whole child, our experienced team of mental health professionals work with the students to help them to identify personal strengths/weaknesses and develop the skills necessary for personal and interpersonal success.
Learn more.

Gesher Yehuda Yeshiva in Action

Our children get the environment they need to develop a love of learning in all of its forms.