Rabbi Dr. Rafi Cashman

Head of School
I’ve always been inspired by the possibilities that learning creates, for adults and children alike, and this happens when people are willing to take risks, to change, to grow.

So why are some people open to change, to seeing things differently? The legendary Patriots coach Bill Belichick said, “Talent sets the floor, [and] character sets the ceiling.” It is character, more than anything else, that determines how much someone can learn and grow, and I love to support and then see what people of character are able to accomplish.

Leading a school and community as mission driven as Gesher and Yeshiva Prep is an exceptional privilege. Helping each student see their own unique passion, vision, and talents is the gift this school and community aim towards, and I’m so grateful that Hashem has blessed me with the opportunity to help our students on this path.

Number of years of experience in the field: 22
Number of years in Gesher: 1
Education: University of Toronto and Yeshiva University