Mrs. Sara Zeitoune

Speech-Language Pathologist
“All kids need is a little help, a little hope, and someone who believes in them.”
-Magic Johnson

I am a New York State licensed and ASHA certified speech language therapist. I have been practicing for 12 years and have worked with children in Kindergarten-8th grade targeting the five components of language, literacy, fluency, and articulation. I like to use various therapy approaches to best help my students achieve their goals, such as theme-based therapy, curriculum-based therapy and child-directed therapy. Additionally, I believe parental involvement is imperative and I collaborate with all of the professionals on the child’s team to treat the child wholistically. In addition to working with my students on their goals, I make sure that my students know that I believe in them so that in turn will believe in themselves.

Number of years of experience in the field: 13
Number of years in Gesher: 2
Education: Brooklyn College