Our Alumni Successes
Our graduates complete high school,
attend colleges and launch successful careers
where they are living a full life.

Stephanie Beda
Stephanie is working as a makeup artist and she and her husband have just put an offer on their first home in New Jersey! At Gesher Yehuda, Stephanie learned how to apply herself in any situation.

Elana Grazi Beyda
Elana attended Gesher Yehuda from grades 2-5, then graduated from Magen David High School and studied at Fashion Institute of Technology. Elana is married with three children. “Gesher Yehdua was an enriching stepping stone in my academic career. I will always sing its praises!”

Robby Chattah
Robby is a partner at Reshape — a NYC based company that invests in companies within the Proptech sector, and has an internal real estate advisory arm that helps the companies it invests in grow globally.

Sean Dweck
Sean Dweck is married with three children and lives in New Jersey. Sean works in retail and he is creating a nonprofit organization named Lev Agunot with members of his community.

Sonny Halawani
Sonny Halawani graduated Gesher Yehuda in 2003. He is married with four children. Sonny owns and operates Brooklyn Party Rental, which services many community events throughout the year.

Joseph Sutton
After Gesher Yehuda, Joey attended Kingsborough Community College and is a graduate of Hofstra University. Joey is the import manager for a large consumer goods manufacturing company. He and his wife live in Brooklyn.

Elliot Tawil
Elliot oversees the day-to-day operations at a construction company that builds foundations and superstructures. He lives in Brooklyn with his wife and daughter.

Nathan Tawil
Nathan says he does not know where he would be today if not for “…the amazing people who work day in and day out to make sure students like me can succeed.” He is married and works as an EMT at Maimonides Medical Center.
Join parents who get involved
Every parent thinks their child is special – and they are right. We are commanded by King Solomon to educate our children according to the way that is best for them.
Gesher Yehuda provides guidance for all parents looking for a customized curriculum designed to build upon a child’s unique strengths and gifts. We provide a community Yeshiva in the Sephardic tradition for all Jewish children where they can develop the self-esteem and confidence needed to live a full and successful life. Our children get the environment they need to develop a love of learning in all of its forms.

Our Sephardic traditions support the right education for each child
The Sephardic heritage has a rich spiritual and cultural legacy that encompasses all aspects of individual and communal life.
(Mesorah) Heritage
As a community school, students are taught Mesorah, Pizmonim and how to read from the Torah. A Sephardic Rabbi leads the students in singing the pizmonim and explaining the meaning and customs before each holiday. It is always so beautiful to see the excitement on each student’s face as he begins to prepare and practice for his bar mitzvah. From putting on tefillin for the first time, wrapping his tallit and reading from a genuine Sefer Torah, each student is guided step by step and encouraged to succeed.
Proper reading of the prayers and pizmonim is a vital component of a child’s growth so that he may feel comfortable in a shul setting, join in at a Sebbet and know the traditional pizmonim. At Gesher Yehuda we strive to have every student graduate knowing and enjoying all the tefillot, whether for weekday, shabbat or holidays. Our junior high students participate in a minyan, taking turns to be the hazzan and having an opportunity to recite prayers unique to a minyan.
(Minhagim) Customs
Our goal is for students to achieve a level of competency in individual customs and culture needed for successful integration into their communities. The students learn through stories, songs, Smart Board technology and games for acquisition, mastery and creativity. Our ‘menorah contest’ is an all-time favorite where students design innovative, creative and beautiful handmade menorot which are proudly displayed in our lobby.
Community Events and Workshops
Here’s what’s happening in the Gesher Yehuda community.
Meet Leaders
from Our

To quote the hockey great, Wayne Gretsky: “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”