Multi-sensory approach builds students’ language skills

Our team of therapists uses ongoing assessments and a collaborative, interdisciplinary model of intervention that is designed to meet each child’s unique speech and language needs. After several long months of winter, spring has finally arrived, and here at the Gesher Speech & Language Therapy Center we couldn’t be happier to talk about it! Did […]
Our Occupational Therapy Program

By Rivky Teitelbaum, MS, OTR/L Our State-Of-The-Art Sensory Gym is currently up and running with new equipment geared to be as therapeutic as possible, including a 3-panel rock climbing wall and a variety of swings. The students are enjoying it to the absolute fullest. These modern resources improve overall body coordination, upper body strength, and […]
The New Face of Specialized Education

The overriding theme of the morning was that high-quality special education programs have the power to transform lives. But no longer can they simply rely on quality teaching and small class size. To truly be effective they must be enhanced with research-based therapies, multi-layered, multi-sensory pedagogies, and individualized classroom management programs, all embedded in a […]